12c (Spatial)

12c: Spatial Vector Acceleration

There is a new feature in Oracle Spatial 12c, called "Spatial Vector Acceleration". According to Oracle: One of the most notable improvements with Oracle Spatial and Graph 12c can be seen in performance increases in vector data operations. Enabling the Spatial Vector Acceleration feature (available with the Spatial option) dramatically improves the performance of commonly […]

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Oracle 11g & 12c: tunning the sort and hash operations

Hash and sort operations are perfomed in PGA. Quoting after the documentation: A sort operator uses a work area (the sort area) to perform the in-memory sorting of a set of rows. Similarly, a hash-join operator uses a work area (the hash area) to build a hash table from its left input. If the work […]

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Oracle CBO. Query Transformer

Oracle Cost Based Optimizer consists of three main components: Query Transformer, Esitmator, Plan Generator. In this article I will try to show you some interesting features of the first component – Query Transformer. This component has some very powerful features and most of them remain in shadows, unrevealed while other new features gains all the […]

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library cache: mutex X i CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE:

Prowdząc niedawno optymalizację wydajności jednego RACa, natknąłem się na ciekawe zachowanie w trakcie parsowania zapytań odwołujących się w predykacie do typu TIMESTAMP – niecodzienne zachowanie dotyczy ustawienia CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE i bazy oraz Problem opisłem na forum GoldenLine – jeśli spotkaliście się z podobnym problemem lub znaleźście jakiegoś patcha – zachęcam do podzielenia się tą […]

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