
Project RICO2 and the history of APEX upgrade that went terribly wrong.

In my last blog post I explained a XOR alghorithm that is used to count Oracle database block checksum. I also wrote, that sometimes you are facing problems, that are unresolvable without a low-level knowledge. This is the story of this kind of situation. The story of misread documentation. The story of haste and hex. […]

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Oracle database block checksum XOR algorithm explained

Recently I’ve started to write my own clone of BBED to have something handy and useful in extreme cases when you have to go deep and fix stuff on low level (I have only like 2 such cases a year but each time it is really fun and a nice money 😉 ) When I’ll […]

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ODBVv2 – ghostdata busters

Some time ago I wrote a simple tool to learn about Oracle data block internals – ODBV. The series of articles can be found here: https://blog.ora-600.pl/?s=odbv&submit= and the github repo is here: https://github.com/ora600pl/odbv This is not a production tool but during the last session in Birmingham at UKOUG_TECH17 – where I was doing a presentation […]

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Visualize your STATSPACK reports with Python Plotly

If you work as a consultant, getting remote access to your customer is sometimes a nightmare! Even when you’ll get one, there a times when you just want to get your job done and finish this nightmare. For example, there are times when it is easier to dump a statspack repo and do offline analyzes. […]

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V00D00 & APUD

Direct path insert and IOTs

(Please tell me that I’m not the only one who thinks "Index Organized Table" instead of "Internet Of Things" when hearing IOT…) This post is inspired by Connor McDonald and his blog post from a year ago about direct mode operations and IOTs. You can read it here: https://connor-mcdonald.com/2016/07/04/direct-mode-operations-on-iots/amp/ While writing a redo parser for […]

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rollback internals

While researching redo log internals for V00D00 we had to face the fact, that we know shit about real transactional behavior. When I say "real", I mean – under the hood. Even with a very simple stuff like COMMIT and ROLLBACK we were constantly amazed by the internal mechanisms. Today let’s take ROLLBACK under the […]

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How Oracle stores numbers internally

Before you proceed, please check out this short article written by Tanel Poder: https://blog.tanelpoder.com/2010/09/02/which-number-takes-more-space-in-an-oracle-row/ In the documentation, you can find the following explanation about the internal numeric format: Oracle stores numeric data in variable-length format. Each value is stored in scientific notation, with 1 byte used to store the exponent and up to 20 bytes […]

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When UPDATE becomes an INSERT

During a research for VOODOO, we came across a lot of interesting stuff inside REDO. One of my favourites is an UPDATE, becoming an INSERT 🙂 So let’s see what has happened – I performed the following update on a sample table: The regular dump of redo log with an UPDATE looks like this: In […]

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POUG voucher – contest

Contest time! I had a cool function in my database: When executed, it returned a -15% voucher for POUG conference. And POUG is a REALLY COOL confernece 🙂 Check it out: poug.org The problem is that I was cleaning my training database and dropped the function by accident. Fortunately, I have archivelogs and I wrote […]

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