RAC: tips&tricks


In this article I will show how to change IP address of cluster interconnect. First we have to define new address of the cluster interconnect before we change network settings. And now stop all cluster resources on both nodes Now we can change cluster interconnect ips Now we can start init cluster resources on both […]

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RAC: tips&tricks

RAC: change IPs on public network

In this article I will show how to reconfigure IP addresses in public network for RAC. ` First we have to close all cluster resources This command can hang on stopping ASM. It’s normal, because the resource CRSD is using OCR, which is located on ASM diskgroup. In ASM alertlog you will see errors like: […]

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RAC: tpis&tricks

RAC: migrate standalone database to RAC

Procedure to convert a standalone database to RAC 11gR2 I have a single-instance database and I want to convert it to RAC with minimum downtime. The first step is to enable RAC option by recompiling the binaries (YOU HAVE TO STOP THE DATABASE FIRST!!!) After this operation I can startup instance and proceed to migration. […]

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RAC tpis&tricks

RAC: add new node to cluster

Add a new node to RAC Check the network configuration for both nodes On the with active cluster, check the network configuration Configure appropriate network devices on the node, which I want to add Create appropriate user on the new node: Configure shared storage – first install ASMLib drivers (if you are using ASMLib :)) […]

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RAC tips&tricks

RAC: change the voting disk and ocr location

Change VOTE and OCR location First we have to create new ASMLib binding Then we have to create new ASM diskgroup and set the appropriate attributes (at least ‘compatible.asm’) Then we can add a new location for OCR. And remove the old location Now we can replace the voting disk location

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12c & ENDIAN

12c RMAN: convert between endian formats

There is a great new feature related to the 12c database. The feature that will resolve a lot of problems with migrating databases between endian formats. And thanks to our new partner – Omnitec, who agreed to share with their SPARC resources – I will be able to demonstrate you this powerful solution. Oracle has […]

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Oracle on Solaris (SPARC)

Since the documentation to install Oracle Database on the Solaris SPARC 64bit is so lame, I wrote the short step-by-step instruction on how to install the database, using response file. I assume, that the network is configured and all appropriate packages are installed, so let’s start with configuring project and kernel parameter for user oracle: […]

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Oracle ASM

There is some kind of wrong understanding, regarding what Oracle ASM really is. A lot of people thinks, that this is some kind of file system, provided by Oracle and that Oracle Database reads data "from ASM", while the truth is, that the database reads data directly from the physical raw device with assistance of […]

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12c: New "small" features: DBCA

There are a lot of new powerful features in the 12c database but don’t forget about the little features that can make a DBA happier on the day to day basis 🙂 One of my favourites is a new approach to use a DBCA command line interface to create a database in silent mode: Nice, […]

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Oralce uses gethostbyname in "*skgxp*" libraries [CVE-2015-0235]

Recently there was a new vulnerability introduced in glibc library: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2015/01/27/9 Oracle is using the gethostbyname function in "*skgxp*" libraries: So this can be an issue – a specially in RAC environments. RedHat recommends to upgrade the glibc libraries: https://access.redhat.com/articles/1332213 And I do agree 😉

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Slow TRUNCATE TABLE due to operations on MON_MODS$

One of my customers had a problem with a very slow TRUNCATE TABLE operation on a partitioned table having 22 000 partitions. The problem has raised after a test migration to database 12c. I’ve prepared a little demo to address this issue and show the walkaround for it. Oracle Database 12c ( Oracle Database 11g […]

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Simple technics of privilege escalation — part2: DBA=SYSDBA

A lot companies consolidates databases into one appliance – like for example Oracle Exadata. So you can have a lot of different databases in one physical cluster. And what if I tell you that you can execute any OS command as an oracle user, having just access to a database user with appropriate privileges? What […]

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dBConf 2014

Ludzie z PLUG (http://www.linux.org.pl/) zorganizowali w tym roku pewną wyjątkową konferencję – dBConf (https://www.dbconf.pl/2014/pl/) pod hasłem "Bazodanowcy wszystkich środowisk łączcie się!". Idea zacna i mam nadzieję, że zyska popularność na polskiej scenie konferencyjnej, bo jak często się zdarza, żeby Oracle’owiec pogawędził przy piwku ze specem od DB2 lub SQL Server’a? Wymienił się uwagami z fanem […]

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Oracle 11g & 12c: tunning the sort and hash operations

Hash and sort operations are perfomed in PGA. Quoting after the documentation: A sort operator uses a work area (the sort area) to perform the in-memory sorting of a set of rows. Similarly, a hash-join operator uses a work area (the hash area) to build a hash table from its left input. If the work […]

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Oracle 12c: Oracle ASM Filter Driver (AFD)

In Oracle 12c ( to be exact) we can find a cool new feature: Oracle ASM Filter Driver. Quoting after the documentiation: Oracle ASM Filter Driver (Oracle ASMFD) is a kernel module that resides in the I/O path of the Oracle ASM disks. Oracle ASM uses the filter driver to validate write I/O requests to […]

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Restore all versions of the spfiles

A few months ago I showed how to restore a controlfile, when you have no idea in which backupset is the newest file https://blog.ora-600.pl/2014/04/26/oracle-myth-you-need-dbid-to-restore-the-controlfile/ On last training one of my students asked me, how to locate an appropriate spfile backup after using this trick (the restored database has a different DBID). Well, you can just […]

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Script for metadata export in SQL*Plus

Sometimes you have to export all metadata for a schema but you have no access to data pump or other tools. SQL Developer can cause a lot of problems with referential constraints. But there is always a good old SQL*Plus 🙂 http://ora-600.pl/oinstall/metadata.sql

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Interview for "IT Certification Master"


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