
Exadata – direct path write temp and flash disks

Some time ago one of my students asked me if temp segments are being written to flash disks on Exadata… Well I wasn’t sure 🙂 But recently I had some time to check it. Let’s create some query that will generate temp segment: Great. Now we have to do some tracing at the cell servers […]

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12c & external tables

How to list files from directory using external table in 12c

I’ve wrote about privilege escalation with external tables in this post: https://blog.ora-600.pl/2014/12/23/simple-technics-of-privilege-escalation-part2-dbasysdba/ This time we will try to list all files within directory object, to which we have no EXECUTE privs. This is possible due to great new feature of database 12c that allows to use metacharacters to match multiple files in external table. I […]

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Sparc M7 vs Intel and P8

I had a pleasure to work with my colleagues from Oracle – Radosław Kut and Krzysztof Marciniak – at comparing the performance of In-Memory queries between Sparc M7, Intel® Xeon® X5670 and Intel® Xeon® E5-2699. You can find results of our findings in this presentation: https://www.oracle.com/webfolder/s/delivery_production/docs/FY16h1/doc17/DB12c-on-SPARC-M7.pdf Following their methodology I’d like to present appropriate results […]

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Oracle SPARC M7 – tracing DAX with DTrace and busstat

Thanks to Oracle I had a possibility to test the new Sparc M7 with DAX coprocessors to boost In-Memory performance. You can read about it here and here My first thought was – how to check if and when the DAX coprocessors are being used? When you have a POC for Exadata, you want to […]

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oracle dblinks – performance considerations

Let’s imagine the following situation – you have a table called EMPLOYEES_TMP which is a global temporary table with a variable number of rows – totally nondeterministic. And there is a query which runs very often to compare primary key values between this table and a remote one (which is basically the same but not […]

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Mierzymy wysoko z WOŚP!

Mierzymy wysoko z WOŚP!

ORA-600 i IT School wspierają XXIV finał Wielkiej Orkiestry Świątecznej Pomocy. Nasze połączone siły dewelopersko-administratorskie przygotowały aplikację, za pomocą której będziecie mogli licytować złote serduszka oraz karty używając do tego celu komputerów lub urządzeń mobilnych. Wejdźcie i zalicytujcie na: https://licytacja.wosp.org.pl/. Cieszymy się, że możemy mierzyć wysoko razem z WOŚP. W tym roku pieniądze zostaną przeznaczone […]

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Oracle 12c – internals of threaded execution

At UKOUG Tech’15 (Super Sunday) there was a session called "12c: A Closer Look at the Multi-Process Multi-Threaded Model for Oracle on Linux/Unix" by Markus Flechtner. Since then I can’t stop thinking about the performance of this feature. Why Oracle decided to provide it? I did some tests regarding sort operations and threaded execution was […]

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Oracle 12c: PRAGMA UDF – the truth

Let’s check, why PRAGMA UDF makes execution faster, then regular function. C function responsible for calling a PL/SQL code from SQL is called "plsql_run": Now let’s try to create a new HR session and create a simple function which will multiple values by 2: From other terminal I will connect to the HR session with […]

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Secure your database (part 1)

I’ve already showed you, how to escalate privileges in Oracle Databases. https://blog.ora-600.pl/2013/04/02/privilege-escalation-in-oracle-11gr2-part1/ https://blog.ora-600.pl/2014/12/23/simple-technics-of-privilege-escalation-part2-dbasysdba/ The question is – how to secure your database, if you don’t have EE or possibility to buy Oracle Database Vault or Oracle Advanced Security. Well – there’s always a DBA creativity 😉 For example – if you want to secure the […]

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