During a research for VOODOO, we came across a lot of interesting stuff inside REDO. One of my favourites is an UPDATE, becoming an INSERT 🙂 So let’s see what has happened – I performed the following update on a sample table: The regular dump of redo log with an UPDATE looks like this: In […]
Contest time! I had a cool function in my database: When executed, it returned a -15% voucher for POUG conference. And POUG is a REALLY COOL confernece 🙂 Check it out: poug.org The problem is that I was cleaning my training database and dropped the function by accident. Fortunately, I have archivelogs and I wrote […]
Sorry for long time without post, but we are writing with Marcin Rydz a new heterogenous replication product based on archivelogs and it’s consuming a looooooot of our time 🙂 Yes I know it’s nothing new on the market. There are other cool products and I know they’ll be probably be better. But we want […]
Thanks to suggestions made by Frits Hoogland, I made some improvements to the ODBV. The new version can be found here: http://ora-600.pl/oinstall/odbv.x86_64 The changes are: Recognition of first, second and third level bitmap block Recognition of pagetable segment header Block number ranges on the left side The blocks will be coloured properly to belonging segment. […]
It’s time for the next article with ODBV visualisation 🙂 This time let’s examine the difference between move and shrink – this is very common question on a lot of trainings. You can find a lot of great articles in the Internet regarding this subject but I think that visualisation really helps to understand what […]
From time to time I get questions on my trainings, what is the difference between TRUNCATE TABLE and TRUNCATE TABLE DROP STORAGE… well, there is no difference because DROP STORAGE is default 😉 DROP STORAGE Specify DROP STORAGE to deallocate all space from the deleted rows from the table except the space allocated by the […]
Recently I wanted to demonstrate to some people on my training, how Oracle database maintains blocks in a datafile – what happens after truncate, truncate with drop storage clause, delete, regular insert, direct path insert and so on… I didn’t find any tool for that so I’ve written my own. It’s core code is based […]
Joining the OTN Appreciation Day 🙂 I really like the new pragma UDF feature for PL/SQL – it makes me believe that context switches will be less painful in the future 🙂 I wrote a little bit more about it here: https://blog.ora-600.pl/2015/10/29/oracle-12c-pragma-udf-the-truth/ And Martin Widlake wrote a lot about it here: https://mwidlake.wordpress.com/2015/11/11/pragma-udf-some-current-limitations/
I know – everyone knows, that PL/SQL packages are faster than stored procedures. If you’ll ask anyone at the training or in your dev team "what is better" – you’ll (almost) always hear: PL/SQL packages. But why exactly? The documentation says: The first time you invoke a package subprogram, Oracle Database loads the whole package […]
Years pass by and I think that the more I’m trying to understand the Oracle RDBMS – the less I know. Recently I started to examine the behavior of session cursor cache and I noticed an interesting thing. But let’s start from the beginning like we should 🙂 The documentation says: About the Session Cursor […]
Since the promotion tickets for the first international Oracle conference in Poland (poug.org/en) are sold out, I’ve decided to create a little contest allowing you to win a voucher code for -20% of the current ticket price. The task is easy, but you have to use DBA and DEV skills to resolve it. So the […]
Sometimes you drop something by accident – you know, the syndrome called "An Enter Too Far". If you drop a table, the case is easy – you can use recyclebin to restore it. But when you drop a package or procedure… well, you have a problem 🙂 Of course, you could use a flashback query […]