When security drives you crazy! (CBFUK)

by Kamil Stawiarski

More and more customers are using fancy security tools like CyberArk or other solutions based on Windows RDP with turned off or limited possibility of copy/paste functionalities. And I get it. Security is really important topic and we should take it seriously.

But from time to time you have to solve quickly some extremely important issue and there is no time to wait until morning for someone to download and copy useful tools for you.

In this short article I will show you how to copy 0x.Tools by Tanel Poder to such secure environment when there’s no time to loose.

First you have to clone the repo to your computer:

inter@applerick linux % git clone https://github.com/tanelpoder/0xtools
Cloning into '0xtools'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1154, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (358/358), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (109/109), done.
remote: Total 1154 (delta 295), reused 275 (delta 246), pack-reused 796
Receiving objects: 100% (1154/1154), 5.91 MiB | 16.10 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (740/740), done.

Now remove unnecessary directories to make the binary package as small as possible and compress it:

inter@applerick linux % tar -cjf 0xtools.tar.bz2 0xtools 
inter@applerick linux % du -sh 0xtools.tar.bz2 
 72K    0xtools.tar.bz2

After that you can use my tool, written in Python which uses keyboard module to type in hex data into terminal. The tool uses a simple trick – it divides a binary package into chunks and simulates a keyboard to type hex representations in opened terminal. It waits a desired number of seconds before it starts typing so you have some time to switch to appropriate window 🙂


The whole process might look like this:

inter@applerick linux % mkdir /tmp/cbfuk/
inter@applerick linux % mv 0xtools.tar.bz2 /tmp/cbfuk 
inter@applerick linux % cd /tmp/cbfuk 
inter@applerick cbfuk % git clone https://github.com/ora600pl/cbfuk
Cloning into 'cbfuk'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 8, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
remote: Total 8 (delta 1), reused 5 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (8/8), 4.93 KiB | 4.93 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1/1), done.
inter@applerick cbfuk % python3 -m venv cbfuk 
inter@applerick cbfuk % . ./cbfuk/bin/activate
(cbfuk) inter@applerick cbfuk % pip3 install keyboard 

Using the script is extremely simple:

(cbfuk) inter@applerick cbfuk % python3 cbfuk/cbfuk.py -h
cbfuk.py -f <inputfile> -i <interval in seconds> -c <chunk size in bytes> -w <wait X seconds before starting to type (default is 5)>
(cbfuk) inter@applerick cbfuk % python3 cbfuk/cbfuk.py -f 0xtools.tar.bz2 -c 1024 -w 5 -i 0.1 
Input file is  0xtools.tar.bz2
Chunk size is  1024
Interval is  0.1

After switching to the new window you will have to wait and watch the magic that looks like this:

inter@applerick test % echo "d71fc4d3474831d97ce6d569209ffe8a2c1a5db556071300e05477a15100a020a0780211da1ccc08703c2fb8da18c77960f321d2e4c9a7f7a5c0d0
c914e14240c7c32658" >69_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt

After your beer break you will see the following list of files:

inter@applerick test % ls
0_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt   20_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  31_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  42_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  53_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  64_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt
10_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  21_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  32_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  43_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  54_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  65_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt
11_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  22_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  33_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  44_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  55_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  66_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt
12_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  23_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  34_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  45_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  56_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  67_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt
13_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  24_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  35_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  46_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  57_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  68_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt
14_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  25_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  36_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  47_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  58_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  69_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt
15_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  26_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  37_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  48_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  59_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  6_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt
16_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  27_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  38_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  49_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  5_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt   7_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt
17_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  28_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  39_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  4_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt   60_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  8_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt
18_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  29_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  3_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt   50_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  61_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  9_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt
19_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  2_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt   40_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  51_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  62_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt
1_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt   30_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  41_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  52_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt  63_0xtools.tar.bz2.txt

You can convert those text files into binaries with the following one-liner:

inter@applerick test % ls | sort -n | xargs -I {} cat {} | xxd -r -p - >> 0xtools.tar.bz2
inter@applerick test % file 0xtools.tar.bz2
0xtools.tar.bz2: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k
inter@applerick test % tar -xjf 0xtools.tar.bz2

And here it is! You won’t copy something big like this, but I hope it will help someone in extreme situations 🙂

And remember – don’t use it for nasty things 😉

Contact us

Database Whisperers sp. z o. o. sp. k.
al. Jerozolimskie 200, 3rd floor, room 342
02-486 Warszawa
NIP: 5272744987
+48 508 943 051
+48 661 966 009

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